Friday, February 27, 2009

A Setback of Sorts

Hellooo Everyone,

How's the weather where you're at? Here, it snowed about 6-8 inches yesterday. For me, I'm always in awe of God's nature. But, this time of year always gets me jumping the gun a little. There'll be a streak of warm weather, melting snow, dry streets and roads, driving with my window down, snows about a half a foot. It always sets me back a little because I want Spring to get here but forgetting that part of the transition from Winter to Spring is a little warmer weather and a little more snow. I'm getting better at reminding myself that when it snows like this, it doesn't stick around like it does in December & January.

So it goes with recovery and sobriety. As we start to come out of the Winter of our using days, our hearts of ice start to melt, we get anxious and hopeful (understandably). Then, more often then not, we fall back a little resulting in a relapse of some sort stemming from some sort of letdown. I always keep in mind that when I get let down about something, I need to wait it out knowing that it's only temporary. I don't give up on my recovery because that's my main priority. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous tells me so. It's like the weather. Whatever it's like outside now, I have to accept it. I can't change it. The moment I let it get to me, I'm not being in recovery, I'm not letting God do His work on His time. Things DO get better, but it's the action of turning it over that precedes it. Remember, I did things my way for a long time, and we all know how that turns out. The Spring of our lives are just around the corner but it can't skip a beat, it needs to run it's course. So I'm trying to be positive about what I have in front of me right now and that's knowing that, if I let Him, God will put more important things in front of me to take my mind off of the anxiousness of Spring. Let Go & Let God.
Until next time, God Bless.

{Note of Inspiration: God is powerful enough to bring about any change on earth.}

{For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD. ~ ISAIAH 11:9}

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