Sunday, April 12, 2009

HE Saved Me

Hellooo Everyone,
HE is Risen! I hope everyone had a glorious & blessed Easter. I know I did. I spent time with my family but my 2 oldest daughters couldn't make it. Originally they were goin' to but 'plans changed'. That used to get me so upset. I thought that since I was sober, things will materialize as planned (in my mind). When things didn't, that was a perfect excuse to go out & get hammered. Nowadays, I almost expect things to not go according to plans so it won't catch me offguard. Don't get me wrong, I still get a little upset, but that passes quickly. Remember, God's time, not mine. HE must've thought it was the right time for me to go back to days because I start working days tomorrow. Actually, I brought it up to my boss. But it was God that gave me the strength to come forward about it. I had to. My days & nights were SO screwed up. I wasn't eating right, sleeping enough and I was losing track of reality (not so hard to do in the 1st place). I listened to my body & mind, I had to draw the line somewhere. I never used to do that. I used to love to abuse my body cuz I was invincible, so I thought. God gave me a second chance at life, I'm not screwing it up this time. HE Is Risen! & HE Has Raised Me Up!
Until next time, God Bless.

{Note of Inspiration: Remember Jesus' body and blood - they were given for you.}

{Passage of Praise: Do this in remembrance of me. ~ 1 CORRINTHIANS 11:24}

Monday, April 6, 2009


Hellooo Everyone,

The times between posts are gettin' bigger and bigger, I know. My last post mentioned I had alotta things goin' on. Well, I still do. Since then, my night shift experience is gettin' a little hectic. The people who I'm supervising are, I guess you could say, gettin' tired of having someone watching over them and correcting them. At first it was "Thank you for explaining this to me", and now it's more like, them gettin' pissed when I do it. Kinda like early recovery. At first we're all ready and willing to make the change, but after awhile, the eagerness and energy to do it wears off. I also found 2 part time jobs. One is selling cutlery, which is a pretty laid back opportunity. I'm allowed to set up my own schedule and don't have to report to work every day. The other job is selling a unique product called 'NicClean'. Its a cleaning wipe that simply makes nicotine film and scum disappear from any glass surface, mainly car windshields. The owner is based out of St. Cloud, MN and after using this product, I was so impressed that I asked her if she had any salespeople located in the metro area. She told me she had one located in Iowa but that was it. So as of now, I'm her rep for the metro. It's a small product that we can set up in convenience stores, car care stores, grocery stores, etc. But, we're in the process of getting the word out, via internet and word of mouth. I would think it'd be an easy sell but nevertheless, still takes alotta work. If anyone is interested, the website is Yet another thing I'm planning to do is move back to my hometown area. Yeah, I would have to drive to work that would take an hour but it's one of the sacrifices that I'm willing to make. I look at it this way, when I get my kids, they'll be close to my family, we'll have alotta support and help, the kids will be closer to their sisters and I'll be closer to my 2 oldest daughters. I miss my family. I said after I got sober that I could never live back home. But the more I think about it and feel it, I believe I've matured enough where I know that God has blessed me by taking away my drink problem and I know that He has taken away so much of that fear that used to hold me down so much. I've prayed so much on this and it just feels like the right thing to do. If anyone DOES read this blog, let me know your feelings about it. That's not to say I'll change my mind but I cherish and appreciate your thoughts.

Until next time, God Bless.

{Note of Inspiration: Train youth to make good choices by your words and example.}

{Passage of Praise: Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. ~ PROVERBS 22:6}