Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Patiently Waiting

Hellooo Everyone,
I've been calling around for some type of low-income housing, waiting on a call about a job, waiting for Spring. But somehow, I've been reasonably calm about my current situation. One of my major character defects was (and still is) patience or lack of. In order to overcome or improve on this, I had to practice. Practice, practice, practice. Thus improving my faith in God. Once I asked Him to remove my impatience, I immediately started to notice a change. A change in results. God knows what's good for me, I don't, except for the fact that I DO know that God is good for me. My oldest daughter's birthday was yesterday, 15 years already, and I can't wait to go see her this weekend. But it'll be here before I know it. That's because I've given it to God and I don't have to sit and anxiously wait for it. For me, faith and patience always pays off because I have the best Boss in the world.
Until next time, God Bless.

{Daily Passage: The benefits of waiting increase God's yield in our lives.}

{I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. - PSALM 40:1}

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Getting Ready

Hellooo Everyone,
Hope everybody had a nice weekend. I had my 5 & 6 yr. old over so my weekend was very rewarding and a little hectic at times. That's normal though. There are times when they can be the best kids and then there's the other times where they get under each other's skin and mine as well. I used to yell and scold them for doing things but now I just remind myself that they're just kids. I have to do that all the time. If I don't let them be themselves, they'll miss out on all the fun that is being a kid. Free spirit, not a care in the world, being genuine. It's so fun to observe them when they play or try to figure something out for themselves. I'm there learning right along with them. Still being in early recovery, in some ways I'm just like them. I grow with them. Thanks to God and AA, I'm not afraid to learn or grow. I used to like the complacency, the ho-hum boring daily routines. But God and the Fellowship have showed me that His love is endless, just like the possibilities that He puts in front of us. So much to experience and enjoy.
Until next time, God Bless.

{Daily Passage: A personal relationship with Jesus helps us know the Father's love.}

{But you received the Spirit of sonship. - ROMANS 8:15}

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Wish I Would've...

Hellooo Everyone,
Y'know, it's times like these when we all say to ourselves, "if I knew what I know now, I would change alotta things". That would be nice, wouldn't it? But it's not only the people in recovery that say that.
My mother will be 80 next month. She has diabetes and is not able to walk on her own because the ligaments in her knees are gone. She says she wished that she would've done more excercising 10 years ago and that she wouldn't be in this condition. I tried to comfort her by saying that I too wish I would've done things different. For me, my life has gotten better, with her, it's almost too late, physically. I went on to say that we've all done things we can't change and what we have to do now is accept the consequences of our actions or lack of. I look at it as another hurdle God has set up for us. I wish I would've sobered up sooner and saved money so I would be able to buy a nice place to live. But the situation I have in front of me right now is a test of my faith, in my opinion. If God made things easy for us, we wouldn't need faith. We'd be lazy and order God to give us what we want. I'm glad He doesn't do that, I'm a better person because of it. I think alot of you feel the same way.
Until next time, God Bless.

{Daily Passage: God knows the worst about us, yet for Christ's sake, loves us dearly.}

{For the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. - 1 CHRONICLES 28:9}

Friday, January 23, 2009


Hellooo Everyone,
Fridays are typically the start of the weekend. No matter if you're just gonna take it easy or have a 'to do' list a mile long, at least you're away from work, right? It's also important to remember to slow down and reflect on God's love and all the blessings He has given us. Examples: sobriety, family, roofs over our heads, friends (in and out of recovery), health, etc. We can't lose sight of our main mission. To surrender to God's will (not always easy), to treat others as we like to be treated (definitely not always easy), to let go of all of our worries (although we like to hang on to them once in a while) and to give them all to God (He doesn't mind). To make it short: Try to do the right thing. If we keep doing that, His rewards are immeasurable. I've experienced that over and over. God'll never let you down.
Until next time, God Bless.

{Daily Passage: Up close and personal - that's the way of God}

{Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. -ISAIAH 55:6}

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Keeping In Mind

Hellooo Everyone,
Well, my work week is done. Busy weekend ahead, including spending time with my kids and applying for a job. Yeah, applying for a job. Not a different one, another one. Times are awful right now as you well know. I'm the type of alcoholic who is used to arguing with myself, sort of. I've been debating whether to look for another one or not. There's a lot of people out there who've lost their jobs and here I am, looking for another one. But on the other hand, I have look out for number one here. I know it sounds harsh but I have alot to get ready for. There's being selfish, and then there's doing what's best for me and my kids. If God doesn't want me to get a job, He'll let me know. He loves me and wants only good things for me. When I first surrendered my life over to the care of God, the only thing I asked for was to be genuinely happy. That's it. Plain and simple. He never gave up on me even when everyone else (including me) did. I somehow knew my life was gonna get better but I had to keep in mind that it sure as hell wasn't gonna be easy. What was best for me was 'tough love'. Didn't like it but it was what I needed. Until next time, God Bless.

{ Daily Passage: Blessings come to those who set their minds on God's love. }

{ I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. PROVERBS 8:17 }

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Getting Ahead...of Myself

Hellooo Everyone,
I've mentioned that I'll be getting custody of my 2 youngest kids in June, therefore, applying for housing assistance, day care assistance, etc. So lately I've been looking at places thinking, "that'd be a nice place to live", "I hope I can get that place", etc. Well yesterday I got a letter stating that I'm on the waiting list for housing assistance and that the estimated wait would be 2-3 years! I thought, "there must be a mistake". So I went to the county agency to ask. They said that that's the waiting list for assistance. I got a sick, disappointed feeling in my gut. I mean, I knew that I'd be on the waiting list but didn't think it'd be 2-3 years. My first thought was "what am I gonna do?". Since being in recovery, I've tried not to be too cocky about things like this. I try not to set myself up for a big downfall or disappointment because that would be doing my own will. Running my own show, if you will. Now I look at it as a lesson learned. God didn't want to hand me this stuff on a silver platter. He wants me to practice my patience and faith. He does have something better for me but I have to do the work. Keeping my end of the bargain. He has the tools for me, I just have to go out and find them. They're out there, I know they are. He reminds me when I get a little too ahead of myself. But He also likes to test me and see how I handle it. So, back to the drawing table, keep looking, keep my head up, and keep the faith. Until next time, God Bless.

Daily Passage: Need rescue today? Look up! God is always there to help you.

I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord. -PSALM 121:1-2

Monday, January 19, 2009

Meeting Night

Mondays are my usual meeting night so I won't be posting much, if anything, on these days. Sorry. Until next time. God Bless.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Happy Sunday Everyone,
Sundays for me mean downtime, day of rest, or, day of preparation for the week ahead. Although the economy is awful, I am so grateful that I still have a job. I see it on the news, companies shutting down, people getting laid off, etc. I think of the families that were struggling before this happened and how difficult it must be to keep their heads up. By all means, I'm not rich, don't have much money in the bank, work from paycheck to paycheck, kinda like it was while I was still using drugs and alcohol until the time came when I couldn't even hold a job. To think of how selfish I was, taking that all for granted.
Before the holidays I looked for a part time job. Mainly because all 4 of my kids' birthdays are in December and January and when you throw Christmas in there, it can get very, very stressful. When no one would hire me, I didn't get upset like I used to, I simply realized that someone needed it more than I did. This year I was able to get enough presents for everyone but still felt guilty for not getting them more. I turned, looked around, and realized that God doesn't give us more than we need and that, at any given time, we all must be grateful for what we have and not dwell on the things we don't. I believe everything happens on God's time, not our's and that patience and faith will prevail. We all need some 'downtime' once in a while. Let's use it to reconnect with Him.
Until next time, God Bless.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Opening Day

Helloo everyone,
My name is Gerry & I'm new to this, or in other words, trying to catch up on the internet thing. I figure, kids are blogging nowadays, why can't I? As I get better at this, my main focus is to reach out to those that are in recovery and hopefully help as I share my ongoing journey.
This coming April, by the grace of God, I'll be 4 years sober. It took a long time to surrender and to put total faith in God. After pushing everyone that loves me away, somehow they still love me. Including my kids. Yeah, it took a long time for them to trust me again, but it was only by 'showing' them instead of 'telling' them that I have changed. In no way could I blame them for that.
Since I've been in recovery, God has blessed me with so many things that I didn't think possible. Some of them are material things, but most of them are linked to my family. My kids are my life for the first time. Sure, I've always loved my kids, but the love I have for them now is undescribable.
As of now, I'm about to start a whole new chapter in my life. I'm getting custody of my two youngest kids in early June. Alot of stuff to get ready for.
Until next time, God Bless.