Sunday, January 18, 2009


Happy Sunday Everyone,
Sundays for me mean downtime, day of rest, or, day of preparation for the week ahead. Although the economy is awful, I am so grateful that I still have a job. I see it on the news, companies shutting down, people getting laid off, etc. I think of the families that were struggling before this happened and how difficult it must be to keep their heads up. By all means, I'm not rich, don't have much money in the bank, work from paycheck to paycheck, kinda like it was while I was still using drugs and alcohol until the time came when I couldn't even hold a job. To think of how selfish I was, taking that all for granted.
Before the holidays I looked for a part time job. Mainly because all 4 of my kids' birthdays are in December and January and when you throw Christmas in there, it can get very, very stressful. When no one would hire me, I didn't get upset like I used to, I simply realized that someone needed it more than I did. This year I was able to get enough presents for everyone but still felt guilty for not getting them more. I turned, looked around, and realized that God doesn't give us more than we need and that, at any given time, we all must be grateful for what we have and not dwell on the things we don't. I believe everything happens on God's time, not our's and that patience and faith will prevail. We all need some 'downtime' once in a while. Let's use it to reconnect with Him.
Until next time, God Bless.

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