Sunday, February 8, 2009

Winding Down

Hellooo Everyone,
Winding down the weekend. I just can't seem to find ways to make Sunday nights bearable. They're a problem for me for some reason. I think it dates back to my using days when I'd stay up all weekend and didn't want it to end. I need to change up my Sunday pattern somehow. I think, not taking an afternoon nap would probably help. But it's sooo relaxing. Plus it's what us old people do. O.K., O.K., I'm not exactly old although my body tells me otherwise somedays. If anyone who reads this has suggestions, please let me know. Also, let me know how I can improve this site. I'm open for feedback. Besides, that's how we help each other, right? Honesty goes a long way. Early AA started slowly so I don't expect a lot of traffic to this site. Not right away anyway. Remember, this disease is a matter of life or death. We're in it together. We help each other, but it takes patience and faith. "Faith has to work twenty four hours a day in and through us, or we perish." - pg. 16 ~ The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Until next time, God Bless.

{Daily Passage: Rejoice in the Lord's work, for the Lord is working in you!}

{ Do everything without complaining or arguing. ~ PHILIPPIANS 2:14}

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